Process Stabilization

In the ideal situation, the output of a process is ‘zero defect’: this means whatever happens, all output is either within the specification, or there is no output at all.

What are the conditions to achieve this?

  1. The output needs to be clearly defined:
Spec A Spec B Spec C

     All specifications are known and controlled. (This sounds completely logical however I am astonished how often even the basic specifications are either undefined, wrongly defined, unknown, invisible or non-traceable!)

Conditions (Fixed)

In the process, all conditions to achieve a proper conversion are known and it is possible to maintain those conditions at any moment:

Steering Parameter

The process has one (or very few) steering parameters:

If the process needs to be directed, adjusted or otherwise regulated, there is only ‘one knob to turn’

Spec Input A
Spec Input B

The process has one or more inputs, all within spec;

Spec Input A
Spec Input B
Steering Parameter
Spec A Spec B Spec C

Concluding: In the ideal situation, for each different output:

  1. All input is clearly specified and always within spec.
    1. All conditions are clearly specified and maintained from first till last output.
    1. The process is regulated/steered with one (or just very few) parameters.
    1. As soon as one of the above parameters is out of spec, the process is being stopped and no of-spec product will be produced.
    1. As long as all parameters above are being met, the output is 100% in spec.
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