Preparation 5: Reserve Dates and Invite

Make sure all parties block their time: Give the notification as early as possible!

When: 3 months till at latest 6  weeks before start


Reserve the Date


Invite the Team-members: Make sure they reserve THE WHOLE PERIOD!

Either you are in completely or you stay out. Be firm!

This work is too intense to have people fly in and out.

Senior Management

It is always good when a senior manager does a kick off first moment of the workshop; let him repeat the goal and the why.

Let him acknowledge his confidence to the team.


At the end of the week, the team will give a team-presentation.

Invite all the stakeholders to the process for this presentation; usually Friday 13:30

  • Senior management
  • Customer(s)
  • Supplier(s)
  • Colleagues of the team-members
  • Union members
  • Anyone else who might be affected

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