How to make a Makigami Analysis

5 Steps to a successful Makigami Process Improvement project

If you want to go fast, go slow…
… But do the right things!

The Makigami method is quite simple and easy to understand.

But you have to do it right.

Take your time and do NOT take any shortcuts.

Remember: Here you design the way you will work the next years!

making a makigami

Making a Makigami starts with 5 Steps:

Step 0: Preparation

Making a Makigami starts with some simple preparations. How to prepare…

Step 1: Analyze the Current State

Making a Makigami Current State Analysis will give the team a 360 degree insight about the current process. This will take a major portion of the analysis time. How to make a Current State Analysis…

Step 2: Make a Loss Analysis

Once the whole process is visualized, each activity and every minute- and resource used will be scrutinized: Does this really adds value or not? How to make a good Loss Analysis…

Step 3: Design the Future State

Designing a new process can be done surprisingly fast. The Current State is now really understood and the Loss Analysis has clarified what the real Value Adding activities are. How to make an optimal Future State…

Step 4: Make a 100 Days Implementation Plan

To keep momentum, immediately after designing the Future State, a plan for implementation is set up. How to make a 100 Days Plan…

More Steps to make it work...

Subscrib for the Makigami Blended (e)learning course to learn every detail of every step.  Subscribe to learn all the steps and details >>

Makigami is more than just mapping

The difference between Makigami and Value Stream Maps? 

Makigami is often just used as a process mapping method. In that sense it is far more structured than a normal Value Stream Map. But that is just base portion of the method!

It is a structured approach to detect the real losses

It asks to design a future state process based on loss-elimination

It is designed to be a team activity with 360 degree view on the process

It engages staff from several disciplines, breaking the traditional functional barriers

It invites Team and Leaders to work together

It focuses on what the team needs, to fulfill its daily tasks

Makigami takes a systemic approach: Looking at the Technical system AND the Social system

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