To assure consistency in your improvement efforts, Makigami.Info prepares an extensive hands-on qualification program.
Scope of the award
Awards will be granted per site.
To achieve a corporate award, 80% of the sites need to have achieved the award applied for.
Level 1
Commitment Award
- At least 2 processes have been analyzed (current and future state)
- Future state design showed plausible improvements >50%
- 100 days implementation programs have been written
- 2 facilitators have been trained
- Management has given approval and resources to fulfill implementation plan
Level 2
Bronze Award
- The Analysis and Design phases have been performed according to the Makigami Standards
- At least 2 processes have been designed according to the Makigami Design Principles
- At least 2 processes have been implemented and show consistent major improvements
- No money, people, space or complexity have been added
- At least 2 new processes have been approved and scheduled to be analyzed
- Upper-and middle management actively support the improvement process.
Level 3
Silver Award
- At least 1 key-process has been designed and implemented according to the Makigami Design Principles, showing consistent major improvements
- At least 4 supporting processes have been designed and implemented according to the Makigami Design Principles, showing consistent major improvements
- A feasible masterplan has been designed and approved to improve all key-processes
Level 4
Gold Award
- All key-processes have been designed and implemented according to the Makigami Design Principles, showing consistent improvements
- A feasible masterplan has been designed and approved to improve all support-processes
Diamonds can be applied for at any level. They are tokens of achieving outstanding breakthroughs, like;
- Full conversion from push to pull planning; MRP system switched off.
- Full conversion to process teams
- Zero Emission Factory
- Zero Defect primary Process
- Etc.