Patient Charter
'Putting the patient first' in Healthcare; What does that mean??What should be the goal when improving care processes?
‘every person would like to have a nice life. We all seek as much quality of life as possible.’
As soon as our health leaves something to be desired, it has a tremendous impact on the quality of our lifes.’
Patient Charter: What is ‘Quality of Care’?
1. Access to Care
The first thing I wish for myself is access to good care whenever I need it.
2. Restore- maintain- or improve Quality of Life
This means:
- It is determined quickly and adequately what is going on so that I do not have to live in uncertainty for an unnecessarily long time.
- There is good and honest consultation with me about what the options are and how WE are going to address my problem together.
- I know what I can do myself and what will happen to help me.
- When my behavior does not support my needed care, why that is will be examined and I will be addressed as appropriate.
- All necessary actions are taken one after the other in a smooth process.
- Nothing will happen to me that will make me worse than I already am. So:
- Everyone knows who I am (so I will not be confused)
- Everyone knows where left and right are. (so I will not be mixed up)
- Even when I have to lie down for a long time I remain pressure ulcer free
- I get the right medication in the right dose at the right time and never in the wrong combinations
- I can enjoy a good (night) rest
- I will not fall
- I am well nourished
- I am provided with optimal pain relief when needed
- Wounds made in the care facility will not be infected
3. Trust
I can blindly trust:
- that the healthcare professionals not only know their job, but also that the care processes are solid enough that I don’t have to fear mistakes. (After all, I don’t have to be afraid when I fly either)
- that the care I receive is the right and the best; should there be a better place for me I am offered the choice.
- under your supervision, nothing will happen that is not in my interest.
- that wherever something would go wrong:
- You will make full disclosure.
- You will limit and repair the damage as quickly as possible.
- You will perform a root-cause analysis, and will take measures to ensure that this failure never occurs again.