The Shingo Model
From the Shingo Institute at the Utah State University
Shingo Model
Over the Years, the US-based Shingo Institute (associated to the Huntsman School of Business at the Utah State University) enhanced it’s Continuous Improvement model, developing it more and more into an integrated approach. Below find the recently (2019) renewed model:
Shingo Model (c)2020 Shingo Institute
Principles and Insights
The Shingo Model is build 10 Guiding Principles (top of the ‘daimond’) and affects three dimensions:
- Cultural Enablers
- Continuous Improvement
- Enterprise Alignment
The Shingo Model distincts Results – Culture – Systems as ‘working fields’.
Tools are the way HOW things are done: Shingo emphasizes the importance of WHY things should be done.
Knowing the “how” without understanding fully the “why” often leaves team members waiting for instructions, powerless to act on their own.
Shingo Principles
4. Embrace Scientific Thinking
6. Assure Quality at the Source
9. Create Constancy of Purpose
10. Create Value for the Customer
Shingo Insights
The Shingo Institute uses 3 ‘Insights’:
#1 Ideal Results Require Ideal Behaviors
The results of an organization depend on the way its people behave. To achieve ideal results, leaders must do the hard work of creating a culture where ideal behaviors are expected and evident in every team member.
#2 Purpose and Systems Drive Behavior
It has long been understood that beliefs have a profound effect on behavior. What is often overlooked, though, is the equally profound effect that systems have on behavior. Most of the systems that guide the way people work are designed to create a specific business result without regard for the behavior that the system consequentially drives. Managers have an enormous job to realign management, improvement, and work systems to drive the ideal behavior required by all people to achieve ideal business results.
#3 Principles Inform Ideal Behaviors
Principles are foundational rules that govern consequences. The more deeply one understands principles, the more clearly he or she understands ideal behavior. The more clearly one understands ideal behavior, the better he or she can design systems to drive that behavior to achieve ideal results.
More information at the Shingo Institute