What is ‘Hanedashi’ Hanedashi means literally ‘Automatic Discharge’ The machine throws the produced part automatically out; the operator only charges the machine. This means the operator can fully focus on loading the machine and keep the...
What is ‘HEIJUNKA’? Heijunka in short: Load leveling, Production leveling, production smoothing. Ideally production can easily be leveled where demand is constant. Unfortunately this is rarely the case because actual customer demand fluctuates. Heijunka...
What is ‘Hiku – Osu’? ‘Hiku’ means: Pull, drag, draw stretch.Hiku is the condition of completed work; creating a vacuum that draws the next unit to be worked on, only when it is needed. Versus: ‘Osu’: Shoving, pushing.Osu is...
What is ‘Hinshitsu’? Hinshitsu means: Quality; it also means Natural. Quality is a natural or normal state. Defects are an abnormal state. Hinshitsu distincts two kinds of ‘Quality’: Atarimae Hinshitsu – The idea that things will work as...
What is ‘Hitozukuri’? Hitozukuri means literally: Hito= ‘people’ and Zukuri (tsukuru) ‘process of making’; -> the process of educating and forming people. Just as with monozukuri, the literal translation does not convey the real...
What is ‘Jidoka’? Jidoka means ‘autonomation’. Jidoka -Autonomation- should not be confused with automation! Transferring human intelligence to automated machinery so that machines are able to detect autonomously the production of a single...