
What is ‘Hanedashi’ Hanedashi means literally ‘Automatic Discharge’ The machine throws the produced part automatically out; the operator only charges the machine. This means the operator can fully focus on loading the machine and keep the...


What is ‘HEIJUNKA’? Heijunka in short: Load leveling, Production leveling, production smoothing. Ideally production can easily be leveled where demand is constant. Unfortunately this is rarely the case because actual customer demand fluctuates. Heijunka...

Hiku – Osu

What is ‘Hiku – Osu’? ‘Hiku’ means: Pull, drag, draw stretch.Hiku is the condition of completed work; creating a vacuum that draws the next unit to be worked on, only when it is needed. Versus: ‘Osu’: Shoving, pushing.Osu is...


What is ‘Hinshitsu’? Hinshitsu means: Quality; it also means Natural. Quality is a natural or normal state. Defects are an abnormal state. Hinshitsu distincts two kinds of ‘Quality’: Atarimae Hinshitsu – The idea that things will work as...


What is ‘Hitozukuri’? Hitozukuri means literally:  Hito= ‘people’ and Zukuri (tsukuru) ‘process of making’; -> the process of educating and forming people. Just as with monozukuri, the literal translation does not convey the real...


What is ‘Jidoka’? Jidoka means ‘autonomation’. Jidoka -Autonomation- should not be confused with automation! Transferring human intelligence to automated machinery so that machines are able to detect autonomously the production of a single...
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