
What is ‘Aimai’? Aimai means: Vague, ambiguous. Used to describe a situation, layout or instruction that is unclear and non-specific and causing confusion. Even the most critical business process in most companies (yes even within the ones with big names)...


What is an ‘Andon’? An ‘Andon’ is a visual control device in a production area. An Andon Board typically is a lighted overhead display, giving the current status of the production system and alerting team members to emerging problems.  ...


What is ‘Anshin’? Anshin means: Peace of mind, Mindful Anshin describes the condition where things are made clear and a person’s mind can rest easy from worry. 5S Workplace organisation strives to create the conditions where the employee can work...


What is ‘Chaku-chaku’? Chaku-chaku literally means ‘load-load’ in Japanese. (Don’t confuse it with Chabu-chabu, which is nice food…) Chaku-Chaku is a method of conducting single-piece flow in which the operator proceeds from machine...

Data versus Information

If you write a report, it is completely data, until someone responds -takes action- to one or more of the items in the report. Those parts than become INFORMATION. Information is data that is being responded to. The challenge now is to create reports that invite to...

Gemba (Genba)

What is ‘Gemba’ (or ‘Genba’)? Gemba is ‘The actual place; the place where the work is performed.’ ‘Work’ is defined here as ‘Value created’. So Gemba is the place where the value is being (or should be)...
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