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OEE Definition & Implementation Review

Why conduct an OEE Implementation Review?

The vast majority of OEE implementations do not seem to deliver the fundamental improvements that are expected.
This is almost always related to the way OEE is implemented and used.

OEE Flatliner

(How) Will your OEE lead to Sustainable improvement?

Sustainable improvement requires involvement of all parties in the value creation (‘production’).

  • Is your OEE the connecting link between these parties?
  • What if OEE leads to just the opposite?
  • Will OEE empower the people performing the value creation, or in fact generate ‘window dressing’ or even counter-productive behavior?

The psychology of improvement is often delicate. This review will teach you what works, and particularly HOW.

What can be achieved with proper OEE implementation?

OEE alone, of course, does not do much. But by using it in the right way, it will initiate the desired behavior that leads to the desired result.
In our experience, a correct OEE implementation leads, without any CAPEX (capital investment), to improvements that quickly run into hundreds of thousands of euros. Are you in doubt? We will gladly show and teach you how.

OEE definition and implementation leading to fundamental improvements

Why review OEE definitions?

The ‘OEE definition’ means: the way the underlying parameters of the OEE are being defined. The OEE definition heavily determines the effect on the improvement process: in other words, on the result. This is why it needs to be carefully reviewed: does it lead to the desired changes?

A wrongly defined OEE may lead to multiple hidden losses and even wrong behavior of those who could- and should eliminate the losses.

This definition study will lead to an optimal defined and configured OEE.

When to review your OEE definition (your OEE configuration) ?

Preferably, the definition study is performed at the beginning of the OEE implementation.

However you may also seriously improve your current implementation by modifying the previously used definitions, resulting in standardizing corporate- and multi factory definitions

OEE is nothing difficult, is it?

As with everything: if you know how it works, it’s simple. The difficulty of a good OEE implementation lies in the fact that you have to learn to look at and apply some things from an -for us Westerners- unusual angle. Once you master that, improvements are there for the taking.
We would love to take you on this adventure!

The learning journey

At your own moments and pace, you work through 37 checkpoints in 10 steps. At the end, you will write your own review paper. Point by point, an item is scrutinized. You can discuss each item with your mentor. We meet weekly or biweekly (as needed) to discuss all pros and cons and their consequences.

The whole process generally lasts 3 to 6 -but a maximum of 12 months.

You will then have the most solid foundation a continuous improvement facilitator could wish for. And your organization can now use OEE to achieve real results.

The Result we Guarantee:

Since we also maintain the international OEE Industry Standard, we will provide a guaranteed future proof set of definitions: ALL effectiveness losses wil become visible:

  • Optimal OEE for the Shopfloor
  • Optimal OOE for the Operations Management
  • Optimal TEEP for the factory/Site management
  • Solid foundation for Improvement activities
  • Solid foundation for Daily Management activities

This course fits seamlesly in our other OEE- and improvement courses

For Whom is it?

  1. Your organization wants to implement OEE and needs expertise how to configure and implement OEE in the best possible way
  2. Your organization wants to comply with IATF 16949 with respect to OEE in a meaningful way
  3. Your organization already implemented OEE and wants review the way it has been done
  4. Your organisations want to find ways to get a better insight in the improvement potential of the equipment
  5. Your organisation wants to use OEE to make better OPEX and CAPEX decisions
  6. You can set aside time to go through an intense learning process: for the OEE responsible or for a small team of engaged persons
  7. You are/have a ‘facilitator’ that can guide the team.
  8. You are willing to learn and to improve.
  9. You appreciate the help- and backup of an expert to help you through the review- and improvement  process.

What will you learn?

  • What are the relevant questions when reviewing OEE
  • How to find the relevant data/information to answer
  • Where are the deficits in knowledge about the current situation

You will also learn

  • how to validate and interpret the answers gathered
  • what are the potential improvements to the current metric implementation (or confirms its optimal correctness)
    • Its usefulness for steering improvement
    • Its usefulness for helping with allocation decisions
    • Its usefulness for helping with CAPEX decisions)
  • understanding the difference- and effect of a bottom-up approach vs a top-down approach
  • how to integrate OEE in a sound improvement framework such as Lean, TPM or Six Sigma

What problem will it solve?

  1. Your metric is not giving insight in the real hidden potential of your equipment
  2. Your employees and or management are  afraid to reveal where the improvement potential is hidden
  3. Different people have different opinions on how to use the metric
  4. The use of your metric is not leading to improvement
  5. Maintaining the metric is complex, time consuming, frustrating
  6. The metric has become an IT or management toy.

The 10 Results you will achieve

Having a definition set

  1. that allows several parties in the manufacturing environment to have each a relevant metric, based on the same underlying data and definitions
  2. That will reveal ALL effectiveness losses
  3. That is understandable and making sense to ALL users
  4. That is scalable and reusable on multiple machines
  5. That can be translated into its financial components
  6. That provides a company-wide standard

Having a solid basis for

  1. creating a common language between different disciplines
  2. empowering shopfloor teams
  3. steering your continuous improving effort
  4. finding room for doubling capacity and halving operational costs


What you may and may not do with this course

All material on this site and in the course is the copyright of Arno Koch. You may use the course to analyze and optimize your current OEE implementation, using one machine as study process, in order to learn how your OEE has been implemented currently, and how to change it  to make it most effective. The course may run max. 12 months. 

However, taking this course does not allow you to:

  • copy any of the content
  • modify and/or reuse the content
  • (re)distribute the content

without previous written consent of the autor.

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